Bringing a financially inclusive world to the UK, with Matt Davies

It's all sorts of facets of establishing a life in a new country: it's renting a property, you need a credit history to be able to rent a property. If you haven't got a UK credit history, you have to pay six months rent upfront, or find a UK guarantor. So obviously, both of those are just unpleasant experiences.

And mobile phones, we did some research recently with over 1,000, new to country people. And over two thirds want a mobile phone immediately. But again, they need to do a credit check. So they won't be able to get a contract, they'll just get paid you go or ceremony or something like that. So they'll suffer on that.

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Access to Credit, Global Topics, New to Credit, Research Brendan le Grange Access to Credit, Global Topics, New to Credit, Research Brendan le Grange

'New to credit' shouldn’t mean 'too risky for credit', with Charlie Wise

Lenders want to wait until somebody has established their track record some place else, really proven themselves to be able to manage their debt, and then they want to jump on them and create a loyal relationship... well, that's a very expensive proposition, because it means you have to dislodge somebody from where they've been previously.

That's one of the things that we wanted to shine a light on is to understand, are these people really riskier? In other words, do you need to wait? Or do they reveal themselves pretty quickly.

And that's really what we found, is that based on the performance of consumers, when they open those subsequent products over the first two year journey, in many cases, they actually perform better controlling for credit score performed better than those that have established that track record.

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